
Fiendsmith's Lacrima

Level Level 6
ATK 2400
DEF 2400

Fiend / Fusion / Effect

Card Text
2 LIGHT Fiend monsters
Monsters your opponent controls lose 600 ATK. You can only use each of the following effects of "Fiendsmith's Lacrima" once per turn. If this card is Fusion Summoned: You can target 1 of your LIGHT Fiend monsters that is banished or in your GY; add it to your hand or Special Summon it. If this card is sent to the GY: You can shuffle 1 other LIGHT Fiend monster from your GY into the Deck/Extra Deck; inflict 1200 damage to your opponent.



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Fiendsmith Engraver
Fiendsmith Engraver
LIGHT LIGHT Level Level 6 [ Fiend / Effect ] ATK 1800 DEF 2400
You can discard this card; add 1 "Fiendsmith" Spell/Trap from your Deck to your hand. You can target 1 "Fiendsmith" Equip Card you control and 1 monster on the field; send them to the GY. If this card is in your GY: You can shuffle 1 other LIGHT Fiend monster from your GY into the Deck/Extra Deck; Special Summon this card. You can only use each effect of "Fiendsmith Engraver" once per turn.
Fiendsmith in Paradise
Fiendsmith in Paradise
Target 1 Level 7 or higher LIGHT Fiend monster you control; send all cards on the field to the GY that are not that monster. If your opponent Special Summons a monster(s), while this card is in your GY: You can banish this card; send 1 "Fiendsmith" monster from your Deck or Extra Deck to the GY. You can only use each effect of "Fiendsmith in Paradise" once per turn.
Fiendsmith's Requiem
Fiendsmith's Requiem
LIGHT LIGHT Link Link 1 [ Fiend / Link / Effect ] ATK 600 DEF -
1 LIGHT Fiend monster
You can only Special Summon "Fiendsmith's Requiem(s)" once per turn. During the Main Phase (Quick Effect): You can Tribute this card; Special Summon 1 "Fiendsmith" monster from your hand or Deck. You can target 1 LIGHT non-Link Fiend monster you control; equip this card from your field or GY to that monster you control as an Equip Spell that gives it 600 ATK. You can only use this effect of "Fiendsmith's Requiem" once per turn.
Fiendsmith's Rextremende
Fiendsmith's Rextremende
LIGHT LIGHT Level Level 9 [ Fiend / Fusion / Effect ] ATK 3000 DEF 3600
1 "Fiendsmith" Fusion Monster + 1 Fusion or Link Monster
Unaffected by card effects, except "Fiendsmith" cards, while equipped with a "Fiendsmith" Equip Spell. You can only use each of the following effects of "Fiendsmith's Rextremende" once per turn. If this card is Fusion Summoned: You can discard 1 card; send 1 LIGHT Fiend monster from your Deck or Extra Deck to the GY. If this card is sent to the GY: You can target 1 other "Fiendsmith" card in your GY or banishment; add it to your hand.
Fiendsmith's Sanct
Fiendsmith's Sanct
SPELL SPELL Quick-Play Quick-Play
If you control no face-up monsters, or the only face-up monsters you control are LIGHT Fiend monsters: Special Summon 1 "Fiendsmith Token" (Fiend/LIGHT/Level 1/ATK 0/DEF 0), also you cannot declare attacks for the rest of this turn, except with Fiend monsters. If a face-up "Fiendsmith" monster(s) you control is destroyed by an opponent's card effect, while this card is in your GY: You can Set this card. You can only use each effect of "Fiendsmith's Sanct" once per turn.
Fiendsmith's Tract
Fiendsmith's Tract
Add 1 LIGHT Fiend monster from your Deck to your hand, then discard 1 card. You can banish this card from your GY; Fusion Summon 1 "Fiendsmith" Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters from your hand or field. You can only use each effect of "Fiendsmith's Tract" once per turn.
Lacrima the Crimson Tears
Lacrima the Crimson Tears
LIGHT LIGHT Level Level 4 [ Fiend / Effect ] ATK 1200 DEF 1200
(This card is always treated as a "Fiendsmith" card.)
If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can send 1 "Fiendsmith" card from your Deck to the GY, except "Lacrima the Crimson Tears". During your opponent's turn, if this card is in your GY (Quick Effect): You can target 1 "Fiendsmith" Link Monster in your GY; shuffle this card into the Deck, and if you do, Special Summon that monster. You can only use each effect of "Lacrima the Crimson Tears" once per turn.